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Friday, October 31, 2014

Available Medical Research Grants for African Researchers

Leardal Foundation support research with grants  to promote innovative approaches to more efficient education and implementation and other collaborative health efforts. About 10 million USD was devoted for such effort between 2009-2015. Details here

International Society for Iinfectious Diseases(ISID) Research Grants support research to tune of $6,000 for research not limited to epidemiology, patho-physiology, diagnosis or treatment of infectious diseases, the epidemiology and control of hospital-acquired infections, and modeling of cost effective interventions. Deadline for application for each cycle is 1st April of each year. Full details here.

International Society for Infectious Diseases(ISID) 's Travel Grants to Healthcare Workers Attending CDC Ebola Safety Training Courses is currently available. The sum of $1000  would be made available to grantee who maybe any health workers worldwide to attend CDC Ebola Safety Training Course. Full detail here

IDRC a Canadian Crown corporation establish in 1970  supports research in developing countries. Aside from financial grant they provide peer, mentor, and adviser for your research. Full details here.

                   Dr Emil von Behring ( 15 March 1854- 31 March 1917)

     First awardee of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1901

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