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Showing posts with label How to boost your career with American Funding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to boost your career with American Funding. Show all posts

Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to boost your career with American Funding

America flag
The American Government owned National Institute of Health(NIH) with roots dating back to 1887 is primarily involved in bio medical and health-related research.The  United States Department of Health and Human Services agency is currently headquartered in Bethseda, Maryland, although with multiple campuses.

NIH, Office of Research Service have an opportunity for scientists at all career levels.  Through these opportunities Foreign and Non American citizen scientists can visit and undergo research training and conduct research in NIH under the any of the two programs- Visiting Fellows or Visiting Scientists.

As much as 2000 scientists from all over world visit annually. Click here to page and apply

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