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Showing posts with label Phd Opportunities in 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phd Opportunities in 2015. Show all posts

Monday, December 8, 2014

Phd Opportunities in 2015 (1)

Keele International Student Scholarship is available to candidates interested in Biomedical Blood Sciences (taught master’s degree course) etc who have demonstrated excellence in at least two of the following -academic qualifications, English Language ability,understanding of the course and motivation to study at Keele and extra-curricular or work experience. The award is the sum of £3,000,which is to be   deducted from the tuition fee. Click for full official announcement page

University of Cambrigde in United Kingdom have fully-funded PhD Studentships in Virology, Molecular histopathology and Cellular Molecular pathology etc currently opened for application. Successful applicant would be paid an annual stipend of  £13,863. Click here for full official details
Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] at

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