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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Words for Doctors' Work and World

Medic/Medico- Informal way of referring to a doctor(American English). It is also an informal way of referring to a Medical Student(British English)

House Officer-also House Physician , House Surgeon or Medical Intern.This is the lowest cadre of doctors. In British Commonwealth countries it is use for a pre-registration doctors.

Medicine- derived from Latin word - ars medicina which means  the art of healing. It is science,art or both of healing. Medicine can be traced to Prehistoric age of man.

Surgery- derived from Latin word- chirurgiae which means hand work. it is a medical specialty that uses operative procedure and instrumented techniques to investigate or treat a patient disease condition.

Doctor- derived from Latin word- Docere which means to teach. In the Medical field it is mostly awarded to those who have bagged a degree in Medicine & Surgery,Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine.

Hospital- derived from Latin word hospitale which means guest house. it is usually a place where patient health is catered for by specialised staff and equipment. The first documented example of what could be described as hospital were ancient Egyptian temples.

Registrar- A medical doctor in a stage of graduate medical training leading to specialization.
 Image courtesy of [renjith krishnan] at


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