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Showing posts with label Origins of Common Medical Words you may not remember. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Origins of Common Medical Words you may not remember. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Words for Doctors' Work and World

Medic/Medico- Informal way of referring to a doctor(American English). It is also an informal way of referring to a Medical Student(British English)

House Officer-also House Physician , House Surgeon or Medical Intern.This is the lowest cadre of doctors. In British Commonwealth countries it is use for a pre-registration doctors.

Medicine- derived from Latin word - ars medicina which means  the art of healing. It is science,art or both of healing. Medicine can be traced to Prehistoric age of man.

Surgery- derived from Latin word- chirurgiae which means hand work. it is a medical specialty that uses operative procedure and instrumented techniques to investigate or treat a patient disease condition.

Doctor- derived from Latin word- Docere which means to teach. In the Medical field it is mostly awarded to those who have bagged a degree in Medicine & Surgery,Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine.

Hospital- derived from Latin word hospitale which means guest house. it is usually a place where patient health is catered for by specialised staff and equipment. The first documented example of what could be described as hospital were ancient Egyptian temples.

Registrar- A medical doctor in a stage of graduate medical training leading to specialization.
 Image courtesy of [renjith krishnan] at


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